GPDR Policy

The Old Sidings, Goole, respects the privacy if its customers and values the trust placed in us when you share your personal information with us. This policy sets out how we, as data controller, collect and use your personal information, why we use it, with whom we share it, the rights to which you may be entitled and your choices about our use of your personal information, that may arise from you buying and using our services.

This policy will be changed from time to time to reflect improved practice, but if we change anything important about this policy (the information we collect, how we use it or why) we will highlight these changes in bold text for a reasonable length of time following the change.

If you have any questions or need any further clarity, please get in touch at

We collect certain types of information from you, or about you, throughout our interaction with: you, third party service providers or publicly-available sources. This information often consists of things like your name, address and contact details. We use this information for the activities we have listed in the table below in order for us to provide our services; comply with legal and regulatory obligations; for marketing and reporting purposes; prevention of fraud and investigation of complaints.

We use this information for various activities in order to: provide our services; comply with legal and regulatory obligations; for marketing and reporting purposes; prevention of fraud and investigation of complaints, including those activities we have listed in the table below. 

 What we collect This category of information we collect about you includes:How we use it We use this information for certain activities, including to:Why we use it We use this information because:
Information that you give us in in order for us to set up and manage your account:Your contact details including: your name, address, email address; phone number and the contact details of people associated with your account;  Your bank account details and other financial information; Information about you such as gender; age; occupation; marital status and national identifiers; The service purchased; Your account preferences; Your account number; Information relating to Consumption data and metering information.Provide our  services; Take payment from you and for all other billing purposes;  Onboard you as a client; Help us to ensure that our customers are genuine and to prevent fraud; Reporting and account management; Debt collection and debt assignment purposes (including tracing your whereabouts or transferring the debt to debt collection agencies or debt purchasers or other suppliers and sharing this information with credit reference agencies); To tell you about the different services we could offer you, including different payment methods and services.It’s necessary to perform the contract;  We have a legitimate business interest to: ensure that we can onboard you as a customer and manage your account throughout; tell you about the various products and services we can offer.
Information about the way you use our services:Details on services we have provided or you’ve purchased; When and where you made these purchases; What you paid for them and how you paid; Whether you’ve opened electronic communications from us; Whether you’ve clicked on links in electronic communications from us; How you use our website Marketing preferences; Marketing information (previous communication data; transaction history); Information you send us when you register your interest in a service/trial or take part in competitions/innovations.  Develop new services; Improve our services; Identify The Old Sidings, Goole,  and related  services and marketing of these that may be of interest to you;  Determine future pricing and tariffs; Personalise our service of things you’re interested in and how you use our services; Statistical analysis, research, and reporting;  Help to train our staff; Take part in government or industry initiatives; Test computer systems; Keep a record of the information which you have been provided; Debt collection and debt assignment purposes (including tracing your whereabouts or transferring debt to debt collection agencies or debt purchasers or other suppliers and sharing this information with credit reference agencies);  Detect, prevent and investigate suspected and confirmed theft or fraud.We have a legitimate business interest to: improve our services and better understand how our customers use them; ensure that we are better able to personalise our offers to you;  ensure that outstanding debts are paid; protect our business interests by ensuring that our customers are genuine and consumption is as accurate as possible.  It is necessary to perform the contract; In addition to the above, where we have obtained your consent to use the data in this explicit way, then we can rely on that consent.
Information we collect from third-party partners and corporate customers which could include:Credit rating information from credit reference agencies; Bank details and banking information from your bank; Bank details and financial information from payment processing companies; Energy preferences for cross-checking purposes, or to verify data;  Potential customer details, like name and email address, from: publicly available sources such as the electoral roll; Royal Mail and Council Tax websites in order to confirm that a property has been demolished following notification from a third party; and price comparison Details on products or services we have provided or you’ve purchased.Provide our services; Manage and administer our systems; To help to make decisions regarding credit and related services for you; Take payment from or give you a refund; Help us to ensure that our customers are genuine and to prevent fraud; Personalise our service to you; Statistical analysis and research into our clients; Combine this information with other kinds of information mentioned above; Organise the attendance of meter operators at your address to install or monitor usage Debt collection purposes (including tracing your whereabouts or transferring debt to debt collection agencies or debt purchasers and sharing this information with credit reference agencies); We have a legitimate business interest in: developing and maintaining relationships with vendors, partners and other companies and dealing with individuals who work for them; conducting research to improve our services; ensure that outstanding debts are paid. It is necessary to perform the contract; In addition to the above, where we have obtained your consent to use the data in this explicit way, then we can rely on that consent.
Information that we collect from you in order to comply with all relevant laws, regulations, industry codes and government instructions, and to deal with complaints:Your contact details; National identifiers; Financial information (bank account details; credit check records; debit/credit card details); Monitor and service your account appropriate to your needs; Respond to requests made by law enforcement or regulatory authorities, bodies or agencies, or in the defence of a legal claim. We need to comply with legal obligations;  We have a legitimate business interest in:  investigating possible/actual incidences of theft; resolving any complaints we may receive;  ensuring that we comply with our regulatory and legislative obligations. In addition to the above, where we have obtained your consent to use the data in this explicit way, then we can rely on that consent – specifically with respect to medical and health data.  
Information when you communicate with us whether in person, through our website or via email, over the phone, through social media or via any another medium, including: Your contact details; The details of your communications with us; The details of our messages to you;  Your marketing preferences; Marketing information; Answer any issues or concerns; Monitor customer communications for quality and training purposes; Develop new services;  Improve our services; Personalise our service; Deal with any complaints; Assist with fraud investigations.We have a legitimate business interest in: understanding customer feedback and in responding to customer communications in a consistent manner; ensuring that we are better able to personalise our offers to you. It is necessary to perform the contract; In addition to the above, where we have obtained your consent to use the data in this explicit way, then we can rely on that consent.  
Information that we collect incidentally from other sources or public sources, including: Information presented on our social media or wider media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter; Information collected by security systems; contact details from energy registers, landlords, letting and managing agents, gas transporters and network distributors. Maintain market awareness; Build and maintain social media branding, and our branding in general; Deal with complaints received; Address subject access requests; Check and confirm validity and maintain the accuracy of data we hold in our systems about you or premises we supply;We have a legitimate business interest in: providing security over our business;  maintaining a public profile within the media;  resolving customer’s complaints; maintaining the accuracy of data we hold.  In addition to the above, where we have obtained your consent to use the data in this explicit way, then we can rely on that consent.

Your rights

You may have certain rights in relation to your information including a right to access or to correct the information we hold on you. Some of these rights will only apply in certain circumstances, however, such as the right to be forgotten or the right to request that we move your information to another company. They will generally not be available if there are outstanding contracts between us, if we required by law to keep the information or if the information is relevant to a legal dispute. If you would like to exercise or discuss any of these rights, please contact the Data Protection Officer.

  • You can remove consent, where you have provided it, at any time, as well as update any of your opt-in marketing preferences by phoning us on 0333 200 5100, logging into your account on MyAccount, or following this link;
  • You can ask us to confirm if we are processing your information;
  • You can ask for access to your information;
  • You can ask to correct your information if it’s wrong;
  • You can ask us to delete your information;
  • You have a right to be forgotten and you can ask that our systems stop using your information;
  • You can ask us to restrict how we use your information;
  • You can ask us to help you move your information to other companies;
  • You can ask us to stop using your personal information, but only in certain cases;

You have the right to complain to the relevant supervisory